
Changes to Transit app
18 February 2025From 10 March, Transit Royale features will no longer be provided by Baybus, as our sponsorship has ended. You can still use Transit App’s journey planning, live tracking, and service alerts, or choose to subscribe to Transit Royale directly.
No action is required, Transit app will update automatically.

Bee Card terms and conditions are being updated
29 January 2025The Bee Scheme is updating its expiry terms and conditions on 27 February 2025 in preparation for Motu Move, a new ticketing and payment solution.

Durham Street bus stop works
17 January 2025From Monday 20 January, Tauranga City Council will begin construction on a new bus stop facility on Durham Street, between Elizabeth and Spring Streets.

Christmas and New Year timetable
10 December 2024From Tuesday 24 December to Friday 3 January some bus services may not operate on specific days or may run to a reduced timetable.

National Ticketing Solution (NTS): Introducing Motu Move
5 December 2024How you pay for public transport is changing.

Quay Street bus stop closure
18 November 2024Starting 2 December 2024, the Quay Street bus stop will be closed. Please use the Boon Street bus stop as an alternative.

Tertiary commuter services ending
13 November 2024From 20 December 2024, Regional Tertiary Commuter services will no longer operate.

Temporary suspension of bike rack use on buses
7 November 2024From Saturday 9 November, bike racks on all buses will be temporarily unavailable. This measure follows recent safety information indicating that bike racks on some bus models in New Zealand may partially obstruct headlights.

Changes to youth fares
15 July 2024Child and young adult bus fares have changed